We are delighted that you have chosen to spend your evening with us and remember we race 3 nights per week – Tuesday, Friday & Saturday.
The evening starts from approx. 6pm when the doors open, with racing normally beginning between 7pm and 8pm.
很高兴您的莅临。我们每周有3晚的赛狗活动 – 每周二,周五及周六。凯里王国赛狗体育馆是每周二,周五及每周六傍晚6点开门,第一场比赛通常是晚上7点或8点开始。
Greyhound Racing is fast paced and exciting, races run every 15 minutes and a typical race takes just 30 seconds! With just 6 Greyhounds in a race, choosing a winner is easier than you’d imagine and if you fancy a flutter (just €1 will do!) then the Tote betting staff are always nearby.
爱尔兰灰猎犬赛狗比赛是一个节奏快及令人兴奋的活动。 大约每15分钟就会有一场比赛, 每一场比赛时间通常只是30秒钟!每一场比赛有6只狗儿参赛, 所以选择会得奖的狗儿比您想象中简单。 如果您想下注(1欧元就可以下注了), 可以随时跟我们托特博彩工作人员下注。
Here at The Kingdom Greyhound Stadium there is simply nothing like the buzz of greyhound racing. It is non-stop entertainment from the first bell till the last race has run its course.
在凯里王国赛狗体育馆, 没有任何活动会比赛狗更刺激的了! 这是个从第一个铃声响起一直到最后一场赛狗比赛无间断的娱乐!
You can watch it all unfold from the comfort of the bar or from your table in our restaurant which allow for amazing views of the track. Which not view the races from the front of the stand for track side viewing for you to experience. It’s your night – it's your call.
您可以在舒适的酒吧里观看比赛; 或您也可以选择在对赛狗场地一览无遗的餐厅里一边享用美食一边观看这刺激的比赛;或您也可以近距离接触, 到赛狗场边围观! 这是您的夜晚, 您的选择!
You can also check out our website on www.Kingdomgreyhoundstadium.ie
Kids and what we offer?
适合孩童吗? 我们可以提供什么服务?
Greyhound racing is one of those rare occasions that all the family can enjoy together. And the fact that the races take place every twelve minutes or so means that children, in particular, have plenty to keep them interested. Children under 18 are welcomed during racing under the supervision of an adult.
灰猎犬赛狗活动是少数几个可以一家大小参与的活动。 事实上, 比赛每12分钟就有一场, 这意味着可以让孩童有很多让他们感兴趣的事。 只要有成人看管,18岁以下的孩童是非常欢迎的。
€10.00 Kids Restaurant Package – Available all Nights Admission & Race Programme, Special Children’s Menu including Starter, Main course & Dessert.
10欧元的孩童晚餐配套 – 赛狗体育馆入门票, 比赛指南手册, 孩童菜单包括前菜, 主菜及甜品。
If this is your first visit to The Kingdom Greyhound Stadium – here’s the 5 top things you need to know:
如果这是您第一次来凯里王国赛狗体育馆 - 以下是您需要了解的5件注意事项……..
When you go greyhound racing, it’s all about the buzz - the atmosphere is totally different from a typical restaurant, bar or club night out. It’s not as quiet and formal as a restaurant but not as loud and rowdy as a bar or club.
There is a race approximately every 12/15 minutes on the track and all the details of the race times, dogs names & trap numbers can be found in race programme.
The excitement of greyhound racing, whether you’re betting or just spectating, build the anticipation and atmosphere and adds to the fun.
参加赛狗活动,最重要的就是周围充满刺激兴奋的气氛。 这里与典型的餐厅,酒吧或夜总会的氛围完全不同;它不像餐厅那么庄重,也不像酒吧或夜总会那么吵闹。
The Kingdom Greyhound Stadium has its own restaurant, where you can feast on the some quality dining options. In fact, when we get feedback from customers, their first comments are always about how great the food is.
You can chose from our restaurant packages include reserved seats in our restaurant with perfect views of the racing and bar and Tote betting service to your table, or something more casual from our fast food outlet on the ground floor.
我们的餐厅提供了不同的晚餐配套。 您可以选择在对赛狗场地一览无遗的餐厅里吃美味的西式佳肴,同时享受餐厅服务生及托特博彩服务员到您餐桌点酒水或下注的服务;或可以在底楼比较休闲的快餐店就餐。
The best thing about going greyhound racing is that it’s an activity that absolutely everyone can enjoy. It doesn’t matter what age you are or if you’re sporty or not. It’s something that people of all ages can enjoy together and you will find many Irish families with a number of different generations together on a night out. Why not head outside and enjoy the racing from track-side for a different view of action.
赛狗比赛是个老少皆宜的活动, 不论您是什么年龄阶段,喜动或好静,都无关紧要。您可能会很惊讶的发现许多爱尔兰家庭一家老小都会一起享受这赛狗之夜的聚会。您也可以到室外,赛狗场边看比赛, 体验一下户外活动的气氛。
Children under 18 are not permitted to place a bet or purchase alcohol and if you look younger than 21 you may be asked for ID.
4. Insight to Irish Culture
Before you arrive to The Kingdom greyhound Stadium why not check out Tralee Town Centre which is only 10 minutes from the greyhound stadium. Tralee Town Centre is the location of the world famous Rose of Tralee Festival which takes place every year for the past 60 years!
4. 体验爱尔兰文化
在您还没有来到凯里王国赛狗体育馆前, 何不在离体育馆导游10分钟车程的特拉里小镇游览。在过去的60年,世界著名的特拉里玫瑰姑娘选美赛是在特拉里小镇内举行的呢!
If you’re looking for a Unique, Social and Cultural night in Ireland then a night here at The Kingdom Greyhound Stadium is a must on your itinerary. The great thing about greyhound racing is the 1 in 4 Irish people go every year – meaning you get to socialise with them on the night!
如果您正在寻找爱尔兰特别的社交和文化体验, 那卡拉新体育馆赛狗活动一定要放进您的旅游行程里, 来亲身体验爱尔兰人平日生活活动。 这个赛狗活动的好处是, 每4位爱尔兰人里,就有1位会常常去类似此类的赛狗活动, 那代表您可以和爱尔兰人交流沟通的机会就在此了!
5. The Chance to Win Big
Of course, when you go greyhound racing, there’s always the chance to win big by placing a bet on one of our incredible greyhounds.
You don’t have to be betting savvy or a super competitive type, anyone can place a bet on their dog of choice and cheer them on to the finish line. We have translated our quick guide on betting to make things easier for you.
当然,每一次您下注,您都有可能赢取大奖!您不需要是个赛狗专家,任何人都可以对他们各自喜好的狗进行下注,并为这些狗儿们欢呼。 我们也翻译了精简的投注指南,以便让您能更容易了解不同的投注方式。
Things you never knew about Greyhound Racing
1) Did you know Greyhound Racing first started in Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium in May 1927?
您知道吗, 第一次的爱尔兰赛狗活动是于1927年5月在都柏林的谢尔本赛狗体育馆开始。
2) Did you know there are about 30 recognised colour forms to be found in Greyhounds, These can appear uniquely (such as all fawn or all black in colour) or in combination (like brindle).
您知道吗, 大约有30种公认的体毛颜色可以独特或组合出现在爱尔兰灰猎犬身上? 它可以有独特的形式展现,纯棕色或纯黑色或棕黑线条混合色。
3) Did you know that the Greyhound can reach full speed of 43mph within 6 strides of leaving the traps, faster than Usain Bolts top speed 27mph!
您知道吗, 爱尔兰灰猎犬可以在离开闸门, 6个步幅之内达到每小时43英里的全速, 比世界短跑冠军波特每小时27英里的速度还要快!
4) Did you know the Greyhound is the dog mentioned by name in the Bible?
您知道吗, 爱尔兰灰猎犬在圣经里是有被提起的。
5) Did you know that the Greyhound is such a part of Irish life that it was even featured on the old Irish currency
您知道吗, 爱尔兰灰猎犬在爱尔兰人生活扮演了非常重要的角色,它甚至也出现在咱们旧爱尔兰镑的纸币上呢。
The Facilities here at The Kingdom Greyhound Stadium
Ground Floor 底楼
First Floor 一楼
Please note that Children under 18 are not permitted to place a bet with our Tote betting staff. Although FREE Kids Activity Packs will be made available to the children to keep them entertained throughout the night. Subject to availability.
敬请注意: 18岁以下的孩童是不可以跟我们任何一个托特博彩工作人员下注。 我们会为孩童们准备一些儿童活动配套,视情况而定。
Betting at the Tote 在托特博彩下注
To make your bets, first decide the POOL then pick your trap number(s)
要进行下注前,先决定奖金池/赌注, 然后挑选您想下注的赛狗号码
Dividends declared to: €1 最低下注: €1
Win 独赢
Select the trap you think will win the race
This is a single bet requiring you to nominate the winning greyhound.
Ask for Stake 买注 – WIN 独赢 – TRAP NUMBER 赛狗号码,
eg. 比如 €2.00 – WIN 独赢 – TRAP 3 3号
Total investment: €2.00 总赌资: €2.00
Select the trap you think will finish first or second.
This is the simplest bet of all and requires you to nominate any greyhound to finish either first or second.
这是所有下注方式里最简单的一种, 您只要猜中会得第一名或第二名的一只赛狗
Ask for Stake 买注 – PLACE 位置 – TRAP NUMBER 赛狗号码
eg. 比如 €2.00 – PLACE 位置 – TRAP 6 6号
Total investment: €2.00 总赌资: €2.00
Select two traps to finish first and second in correct order
This covers two selections, which must finish first and second, in either order.
这涵盖了两种选择, 猜中会得第一名和第二名的两只赛狗或排位随意。
Ask for Stake 买注 – REVERSE FORECAST 连赢(小包围) – TRAP NUMBERS 赛狗号码,
eg.比如 €1.00 – REVERSE FORECAST 连赢(小包围) – TRAPS 5 & 6 5号和6号
Total investment: €2.00 总赌资: €2.00
TRIO 三连彩大包围
Select three traps to finish first, second and third in correct order
This bet covers THREE selections, to finish first, second, third in any order.
这涵盖了三种选择, 猜中会得第一名,第二名和第三名的三只赛狗或排位随意。
Ask for Stake 买注 – TRIO ALL-WAYS 三连彩(小包围)-TRAP NUNBERS 赛狗号码
eg.比如 €1.00 – TRIO ALL-WAYS 三连彩(小包围) – TRAPS 1/3/5 1号,3号,5号
Total investment: €6.00 总赌资: €6.00
If you would like further information, please ask Tote Staff. 若需要了解更多信息,请咨询托特博彩员工。
We are there to help you in any way we can 我们将竭尽所能帮助您